Executive Coaching

Executive development and leadership coaching for C-Suite, VP, and Principal leaders working in design, product, experience, and VC-backed ventures.

Licensed (International Coach Federation)
LCOP Accreditation (Leadership Coaching for Organizational Performance)



Key Areas of Focus


Skill development for a transition

Helping an individual as they advance to a new leadership position with higher visibility, increased scope, or on the hook for more things. Provides the individual with leadership skills, social skills, or a series of foundational skills.

Developing a specific skill

Common with successful leaders, sometimes there are one or two things they never learned or were not part of their training (navigating a highly matrixed organization, enterprise strategy, leading global teams…) Provides leaders with practical and tactical insights.

Addressing a targeted issue

Common with successful senior executives who have authority (CEO, C-Suite, VP, Sr. Director). They are incredibly good at their jobs, but may have one or two blind spots or derailing behaviors that result in negative reactions at work or costly corporate ripple effects (Collaboration, Trust, Insecurity, Stress…) Provides tools and techniques to remediate the behavior.

Big organizational change

When an enterprise realizes they need to pivot (digital transformation, leveling-up Design leadership, leveraging Design to drive business value, improving brand value to differentiate in the market…) Provides executives and their culture with new approaches, help leaders to adapt, or support getting through the transition.



Upskilling As A Leader

Adam Fry-Pierce talks about Andrew La Monica’s coaching, executive presence, asking the uncomfortable questions, and 10x-ing your colleagues to be better.


Debbie Millman interviews Andrew La Monica for PRINT magazine to understand the interior life of artists, designers, and creative thinkers. 

Read the interview



Enterprise Engagements


Select Brands I Have Worked With







Professional growth towards
the next leadership band
(2 mo. engagement)



Improved insights
& knowledge gained



Nice Things People Have Said


Andrew’s executive coaching is the perfect balance between strategic conflict resolution frameworks, navigating workplace politics, and human compassion.

He quickly identified where my situations needed personal or professional deep dives and equipped me with new lenses to look at situations and a toolkit to move forward. As a leader who brings her authentic self to work and has no difference in my personal and professional values, Andrew is a great fit for me.

Chief Product Experience Officer –  Healthcare

I had the good fortune of working with Andrew and during our short time together he helped me with a number of questions and issues.

The most notable one involved my uncertainty about how to best structure my time and energy into a set of activities consistent with my personal mission and goals. Through our work together, I discovered a framework for conceptualizing a large and varied set of interests and endeavors, weaving them into a cohesive narrative that continues to serve me years later. Exactly the kind of personal evolution and processing that can only be done with the help and involvement of a thoughtful and skilled coach like Ande.

SVP, Product –  SaaS Platform


Andrew consistently impresses me with his passion for solving complex enterprise problems, an endless supply of leadership frameworks, and the proven results to match.

I commissioned him to develop a tailored curriculum to address a range of cultural and technical hurdles holding the organization back from reaching its potential and ultimately delivering truly meaningful results.

My experience here with Andrew was invaluable and quickly proved to what an indispensable leadership asset he is. Andrew’s contributions are always focused on measured results though without fail have an immeasurable positive impact on all those around him. He is a true talent multiplier. His presence alone has allowed me to have a greater vision in all aspects of my role, reducing friction, and allowing me to accelerate my personal impact and aspirations.

VP, Design –  Finserve

Everyone needs someone like Andrew La Monica in their corner.

Ande’s empathy and ability to put himself in anyone else’s shoes is beyond anything I’ve encountered in the creative space. What makes Ande so special is his ability to push you like the best friend from elementary school who won’t take any bullshit from you. He knows your aspirations better than you do, and won’t shy away from helping you understand exactly how to get there.

In one conversation about a year back, he asked me how I operated as a VP in my organization. It was a strange question considering I was still a Director nine years after I first got promoted and had wanted to be promoted, but wasn’t in any rush. Side note, this question was proof that he never looked at my LinkedIn profile or any other social media to validate my worth, he just assumed the best for me (more than I did). This led to a lengthy conversation on how I needed to assert myself and prove my worth as a VP within my company. Not get promoted mind you, show my worth as a VP. It’s as if since he assumed I was already a VP, my boss should too. He coached me to a plan of my own to show my value, and guided me on times and cadence to make those assertions. So here we are one year later and I am now the VP, Creative within my little billion-dollar brand. Would I have gotten here without Ande, maybe? Would it have taken another two-five years without him? Absolutely. For that, I will be forever grateful.

VP, Creative – Lifestyle Footwear Brand


He’s an accelerator of leaders, a coach, and an ally.

I’ve spent time with over 3000 design leaders from all walks. Agencies. Enterprises, and all in between. Amongst a community of high-agency, high-skill executives, Andrew La Monica stands out. I’d rank him in the top 5 most valuable members…

Andrew carries invaluable enterprise expertise, strategic questions, and effective mental models to contextualize and solve wicked problems. Beyond this, Andrew rises up those around him with such humanity. The team is stronger with him in it, as he’s able to unleash everyone’s value, so naturally. He makes it look effortless.

Sr Director, Customer Experience –  SaaS Platform

Thank you for asking me difficult questions, holding up a mirror, and generally being an amazing resource and touchstone for my design leadership development.

PhD. Research & Accessibility Executive



I am currently taking on limited individual and enterprise engagements. Contact me to inquire about availability.



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