Insights from HOW Design Live

HOW Design Live was a well put together conference, with thoughtful speakers, and engaging content. Here are some of my highlights and take-aways.

Enter, Exit, return to your comfort zone.

Susan Cain was a fantastic keynote speaker and I appreciate her insights on the hidden power of introverts. Taking a lot of cues from Beth Comstock, who she mentioned in the talk, I was always encouraged to step out of my comfort zone.

It was validating to hear the audience applaud to comments like: ” There is zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas.” and that “The loudest people in the room are not always natural leaders.”

Consistency builds trust.

Tosh Hall taught a clinic on brand building. It’s a smart approach around relevance, craft, and building equity.

Art Inspires Community.
Design Builds Community.

Josh Higgins talked about building cultures for Barak Obama & Facebook. He uses Design  as an agent of change as well as connecting the community together.

Design Will Save Advertising.

Nick Law presented a blueprint on how Brands need to evolve into an interface, leveraging Design and storytelling, to connect with the world.

Express your Value Beyond the Design Work.

Stephen Gates championed a much needed rallying cry to a packed room of designers about understanding your value in the organization.

“Busy” is the Beast of Burden

Tina Essmaker shared an emotional narrative of when her work-life became too much and finding her solace in a mindful pause.

Things I have Learned from Ivan Chermayeff.

Sagi Haviv presented a thoughtful retrospective of a design legend.

We Believe Timing is an Art.
But timing is really a Science.

Daniel Pink was a game-changer in how I’m going to now schedule my day.

Be Fantastically Obsessive.

Giorgia Lupi presented a lovely view of how data can make us more human.

Break The Rules.
But only when you make the rules.

Tried and true process from Mackey Saturday, who has broken them beautifully, deliberately, and well.

Using Images to connect with the world

I appreciate Chase Jarvis’s career trajectory and how he uses images as a unifying element and a way for the world to connect with each other.